Package org.ourgrid.test.functionalunits

Interface Summary
FunctionalTestUnit A FunctionalTestUnit will represents a test unit that will be used to compose a test scenario.
RemoteTestServices This interface defines functionalities that OurGrid services must have while being under tests.

Class Summary
CorePeerUnit CorePeerUnit will represents a peer that will be used to execute functional tests of OurGrid.
CorePeerUnitTest Test for CorePeerUnit.
FunctionalTestsURLProvider Provides common urls for the functional testes.
FunctionalUnitsControl FunctionalUnitsControl is a singleton to control any logic that will be used by functional tests like the scripts to be called or collections to be controlled.
MyGridUnit MyGridUnit will represents a mygrid that will be used to execute functional tests of OurGrid.
MyGridUnitTest Test class for MyGridUnit.
PeerUnit PeerUnit will represents a peer that will be used to execute functional tests of OurGrid.
PeerUnitTest Test for PeerUnit.
RemoteTestServicesImpl Implementation of the org.ourgrid.test.functionalunits.RemoteTestServices interface.
UserAgentUnit UserAgentUnit will represents a peer that will be used to execute functional tests of OurGrid.