<%@ page import="java.util.*, org.ourgrid.common.gump.*, org.ourgrid.peer.manager.status.*, org.ourgrid.webstatus.*, org.ourgrid.common.spec.*, java.text.*, javax.swing.text.*, org.ourgrid.peer.manager.allocation.*" buffer="50kb" autoFlush="true" %> <% PeerInfoPack pack = (PeerInfoPack)request.getAttribute("pack"); %> OurGrid WebStatus 3.3.1 - <%= pack.getPeerID().getName() %> specifications
OurGrid Web Status back to the main page
Peer details
Name: <%= pack.getPeerID().getName() %>
Description: <%= pack.getDescription() %>
Version: <%= pack.getVersion() %>
Started at: <%= pack.getUptime() %>
Administrator email: <%= pack.getEmail() %>
Latitude: <%= pack.getLatitude() %>
Longitude: <%= pack.getLongitude() %>

<% if ( pack.getAllGums().size() > 0 ) { %>
Local Gums (<%= pack.getAllGums().size() %>)
<% Iterator itLocal = pack.getAllGums().iterator(); while(itLocal.hasNext()) { StatusEntry entry = itLocal.next(); String gumName = entry.getGumSpec().getAttribute(GumSpec.ATT_NAME); String gumType = entry.getGumSpec().getAttribute(GumSpec.ATT_TYPE); String gumOS = entry.getGumSpec().getAttribute(GumSpec.ATT_OS); String gumProcFamily = entry.getGumSpec().getAttribute(GumSpec.ATT_PROCESSOR_FAMILY); String gumMem = entry.getGumSpec().getAttribute(GumSpec.ATT_MEM); String gumEnv = entry.getGumSpec().getAttribute(GumSpec.ATT_ENVIRONMENT); String stateCssClass = ""; if (entry.getStatus() == AllocationStatus.CONTACTING) { stateCssClass = "gumContacting"; } else if (entry.getStatus() == AllocationStatus.IDLE) { stateCssClass = "gumIdle"; } else if (entry.getStatus() == AllocationStatus.IN_USE) { stateCssClass = "gumInUse"; } else if (entry.getStatus() == AllocationStatus.DONATED) { stateCssClass = "gumDonated"; } else if (entry.getStatus() == AllocationStatus.OWNER) { stateCssClass = "gumOwner"; } %> <% } %>
Name Type OS Processor Family Memory Environment Status
<%= gumName != null ? gumName : "-" %> <%= gumType != null ? gumType : "-" %> <%= gumOS != null ? gumOS : "-" %> <%= gumProcFamily != null ? gumProcFamily : "-" %> <%= gumMem != null ? gumMem : "-" %> <%= gumEnv != null ? gumEnv : "-" %> <%= entry.getStatus() %>

<% } if ( pack.getRemoteGums().size() > 0 ) { %>
Community Gums (<%= pack.getRemoteGums().size() %>)
<% Iterator itCommunity = pack.getRemoteGums().iterator(); while(itCommunity.hasNext()) { StatusEntry entry = itCommunity.next(); String gumPeer = entry.getGumSpec().getGumID().getPeerName(); String gumName = entry.getGumSpec().getAttribute(GumSpec.ATT_NAME); String gumType = entry.getGumSpec().getAttribute(GumSpec.ATT_TYPE); String gumOS = entry.getGumSpec().getAttribute(GumSpec.ATT_OS); String gumProcFamily = entry.getGumSpec().getAttribute(GumSpec.ATT_PROCESSOR_FAMILY); String gumMem = entry.getGumSpec().getAttribute(GumSpec.ATT_MEM); %> <% } %>
Name Original Site Type OS Processor Family Memory
<%= gumName != null ? gumName : "-" %> <%= gumPeer != null ? gumPeer : "-" %> <%= gumType != null ? gumType : "-" %> <%= gumOS != null ? gumOS : "-" %> <%= gumProcFamily != null ? gumProcFamily : "-" %> <%= gumMem != null ? gumMem : "-" %>

<% } %>
Local Consumers (<%= pack.getLocalConsumers() != null ? pack.getLocalConsumers().size() : "Information not available" %>)
<% if ( pack.getLocalConsumers() != null && pack.getLocalConsumers().size() > 0 ) { %> <% Iterator itConsumers = pack.getLocalConsumers().iterator(); while(itConsumers.hasNext()) { ConsumerStatus consumer = itConsumers.next(); String consumerName = consumer.getConsumerMachineName(); int localGums = consumer.getLocalGums(); int communityGums = consumer.getRemoteGums(); %> <% } %>
URL Local Gums Community Gums
<%= consumerName != null ? consumerName : "-" %> <%= localGums %> <%= communityGums %>
<% } %>


OurGrid Web Status 3.3.1
OurGrid Project