*** MyGrid Release 2.2.x FAQ *** + WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MyGrid and OurGrid ? MyGrid is a broker that provides a set of scheduling and application execution cycle monitoring. OurGrid is a P2P network for resource sharing. The idea is that MyGrid request grid machines to OurGrid peer that gains acces to resources on demand by negotiating with other peers. More details at publications page at OurGrid Project site (http://www.ourgrid.org). + WHAT IS A Grid Description File ? WHERE SHOULD IT BE PLACED ? The Grid Description File is a simple file created by the user to inform Home Machine how to communicate with the Grid Machines. It is because the communication can be different for each one of the Grid Machines. You can have several Grid Description Files. Since "mygrid addgum" can be invoked from any directory, it does not matter where the "Grid Description Files" are kept. + WHAT IS A Job Description File ? WHERE SHOULD IT BE PLACED ? The Job Description File is a simple file created to describe a set of tasks that form a job. See more details about Job Description File format in the Manual (http://www.ourgrid.org). You can have several Job Description Files. Since "mygrid addjob" can be invoked from any directory, it does not matter where the "Job Description Files" are kept. + WHILE MY APPLICATION IS RUNNING SOME FILES NAMED mygrid-xxxx ARE CREATED. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN ? These files are generated every time MyGrid is executed for debugging purpose, so you can follow local and remote commands that MyGrid tries to execute and if an error occurs you can identify and correct it. In order to avoid the creation of these files, you must turn off "MG.debug" option in your "~/.mygrid/MG.properties" file. + HOW CAN I KNOW IF THE TCP PORT IS ALREADY IN USE ? There are two diferent ways to find out if a TCP port is being used by another service on a given machine. a) netstat -pa | grep This command shows the services listening on port, if there are no services listening on this port, nothing will be displayed. b) telnet If the connection can be established, there is a service listening on the port. + HOW CAN I INSTALL A NEWER VERSION OF MyGrid IF I ALREADY HAVEA PREVIOUS VERSION INSTALLED ON MY MACHINE ? It is very simple to install a newer version of MyGrid. You just need to unpack the tarball file into another directory. Before starting to use the newer version you will need to stop any User Agent still running on any Grid Machine. + WHEN I AM RUNNING MyGrid MY COMPUTER STOPS RUNNING NEW WINDOWS. WHAT IS WRONG ? In some situations, the X security system can cause a temporary failure opening new windows. This problem occurs because too many connections are opened to perform User Agent's auto installation and/or User Agent's auto start. If you are using ssh, one solution is to run: ssh -x , for example: ssh -x warlock.lsd.ufcg.edu.br. Done that, you'll be able to open applications remotely, using ssh, and see the application results as if it were running locally. + WHAT ARE THE REASONS OF A TASK FAILURE ? A task may fail for many reasons. a) when the processor assigned to the task becomes inactive during its execution; b) when all files needed to its execution were not transferred to the grid machine; c) when there were errors during the execution of the scripts called by the INIT or FINAL fields in the Job Description File. + HOW TO IMPROVE MY FEEDBACK FROM e-MAIL LISTS ? In this link you can find several tips about how to proceed smart when asking questions on forums, newsgroups and e-mail lists. How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - Before You Ask http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#before